
In January 2015, we began by learning along-side the local women the importance of sustainable agriculture, methods of crop rotation, and the health benefits of a varied diet.

The first crops of maize and beans were planted and harvested in April 2015.  The soil and crops were so healthy it allowed for another round of crops this year without ploughing!

We have now recently ploughed the land and rotated the crops, currently growing  a local vegetable called skuma as well as green beans.  These vegetables have the highest market price, and allow for not only food security, but also an income.

“For me, as a widow, I can now grow nutritious food for my children and grandchildren. We now have vision and hope for our future” – Florence

Water Tap


The water tap was also completed thanks to a very generous donor.  The community now has access to safe, clean drinking water and are able to keep the crops alive during the dry season.

“This project has helped bring us together as a community and especially helped us as we struggle as widows and orphans. I am now able to feed my family” – Sophy

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