Executive Committee

image1Director: Simon Buwaya

Founder of Community Growth




Simon grew up in Ivanumba Village and is one of 10 children. His mother and father struggled to feed, clothe and school their large family. Simon inherited 2 acres of land from his grandmother in 2010. In October of 2011 Simon met Meaghan walking down the road in Buwenda Village. They instantly became friends and shorty after Simon offered his land to help his community and the people of Uganda. His vision, heart and outlook on life is an amazing thing to come across.

IMG_1476Director: Meaghan Power

Founder of Community Growth




Meaghan grew up in Vancouver, Canada and is the youngest of two children. After graduating high school she moved to England and stayed there for 6 years. She obtained her Early Childhood Education Diploma in September of 2006 and soon began working at a daycare within Vancouver. In October of 2011 she volunteered at an orphanage and preschool in Uganda.  Within days of arriving she knew why this had always been such a strong desire of hers, her soul recharged and her heart exhaled.


image2Head Chairperson: Swaliki Mukodo
Organize members for group meetings and chairs all community meetings.




Swaliki completed primary 7 education and has 9 children. He has been a central part of the community, and is extremely hard working. Swaliki struggles daily to feed and clothe his children and helps provide members with direction and knowledge on farming and sustainable living.



image4Treasurer: Mwamini Babirye
Keeps all financial records, prepares monthly and annual financial statements.




Mwamin has completed college education in food and nutrition and has 2 children at home. She has no land to grow crops and was struggling to buy food for her family.


image5Vice Chairperson: Masitula Wambi
Deputies whenever chairperson is unavailable.




Masitula has completed primary 3 education. She is a widow and struggles to raise her 10 children. Masitula is a treasure for Buwenda Village Council and has lived in Buwenda her whole life.

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